Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Too Much Excitement For One Day

Mel had a long day, but a pretty good day. She threw up again this morning after taking her pills, so the the Pharmacist is looking at spreading her pills out more instead of her taking them all at once. Mel said that she didn't feel nauseous at all this morning, she felt really good until she took her pills...maybe we're onto something here.

Mel had an endoscopy today. They didn't find anything out of the ordinary, just some inflammation. That helps to rule out some possible causes of her nausea. I think we're really close to having it figured out. What a relief it will be to Mel once this is resolved.

My mom and Mel had a break from the hospital monotony today in the form of an evacuation. Mel said that she was sitting in her room and all of the sudden an alarm sounded. She heard people yell, "Shut the door!". The overhead sprinklers turned on (an accident caused by a cleaning lady) and there ended out being several inches of nasty water on the floor. The staff was very careful not to allow Melanie to come in contact with the water. I guess the nurses were pretty frantic. They put her in a wheelchair...lifted her into it, and she was wheeled to the clinic awaiting a new room. Too much excitement I tell 'ya. It took several hours before Mel was finally in a room. She is now in room #802. This room has two windows and a much bigger upgrade? When I talked to Mel at about 9:30 tonight, they were still waiting for their belongings. By the end, Mel was really tired and ready to have her bed back.

Mel has 1.2 neutrophils today, her white blood count went up slightly, her red blood cells are down to 25 and her platelets were low enough to have a transfusion. Those neutrophils can just keep going up and up! Our goal for tomorrow is to have Mel free of nausea and puking!

Sleep tight in your new room Mel! Love you so much!

1 comment:

Karen Luthi said...

HI Melanie, I ran into Marla today at Maceys and we talked for about 90 mins. We laughed about her causing trouble and she teld me about the special present they brought for you. How funny. I'm sure you laughed until you were worn out. Glad your counts are up and hope that they find the culprit soon. Keep fighting! Thinking about and praying for you, Karen